SCEC Software
SCEC researchers have developed a ground motion simulation software ecosystem, a group of inter-related seismic hazard modeling software tools. These scientific software tools, originally developed by SCEC scientists and engineers, are contributed by individual research for use by the broader SCEC community. With funding from NSF, W. M. Keck Foundation, Pacific Gas and Electric, and other funding sources, SCEC's scientific computing staff develops, maintains, and applies scientific software to perform research calculations.
CME Project software developers integrate complex scientific codes together into larger computational systems that we call a Computational Platforms. Each SCEC computational platform is designed to reliably perform some useful or valuable research calculation. SCEC platforms include dynamic rupture, wave propagation, standard probabilistic seismic hazard calculations, and physics-based wave propagation simulations. In some cases, SCEC provides source code distributions of computational platforms for use by the SCEC community.