The Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM) software framework is a collection of open-source scientific software tools designed to support earth scientists, civil engineers, and other groups interested in detailed information about earth properties. The seismic velocity models currently available through UCVM are primarily California high resolution regional scales seismic velocity models that provide Vp, Vs, and density for a defined geographic volume for a region. One important use of UCVM is by researchers performing high resolution 3D wave propagation simulations of California and other regions.
Current UCVM Software Releases
As of June 2019, the current version is UCVM v19.4.0:
UCVM is distributed as open-source scientific software. It can be installed compiled and run on most Linux-based computer systems if the system includes software development tools including Python, C, and Fortran compilers, and other software tools. The UCVM v19.4.0 source code is distributed using a github repository. On Github, users can find the source code, installation directions for Linux, and a wiki that provide examples and the expected results from UCVM.
- UCVM v19.4.0 GitHub Source Code Repository (UCVM v19.4 release) - Released May 2019
- UCVM v19.4.0 GitHub Wiki Documentation
UCVM Introduction
The Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM) software is open-source scientific software designed to support earth scientists, civil engineers, and other groups interested in detailed information about earth properties. UCVM is primarily used by scientists to work with earth material properties on regional scales.
UCVM software provides a software interface to one or more existing earth structure models. Researchers may choose to use the UCVM software, in order to access one or more UCVM specific capabilities, which include:
- Provides standard query interface to multiple CVM models with different projections.
- Converts query by elevation to query by depth to create comparable models.
- Provides standard methods for tri-linear interpolation, Vs30, and basin query from models.
- Provides plotting and analysis tools that make vertical profile, horizontal, and cross section plots.
- Provides tools to add geotechnical layers and small scale heterogeneities into models.
- Supports tiling of models and background models.
- Make AWP and ETree format meshes including parallel extractions.
Required Computing Environment
UCVM is distributed as a open-source software distribution. UCVM users should install, and build the UCVM software on their own Linux computer. UCVM software requires several existing software packages. During UCVM software development, SCEC uses USC High Performance Computing as our standard build and run environment. It is representative of shared academic research computing environments. For UCVM v19.4.0 release, the USC HPC reference computing environment includes:
- Centos 7.0
- gnu C, gfortran 4.8
- Python 2.7
- Anaconda Python packages
- Git client
- vi or emacs
Parallel UCVM Build Adds:
- OpenMPI implementation of MPI standard
Preferred UCVM Software Reference
If you use the UCVM software in your research, please include a reference to this software. References help us obtain continued financial support for the software development of this code. The preferred reference for the UCVM software is:
- Small, P., Gill, D., Maechling, P. J., Taborda, R., Callaghan, S., Jordan, T. H., Ely, G. P., Olsen, K. B., & Goulet, C. A. (2017). The SCEC Unified Community Velocity Model Software Framework. Seismological Research Letters, 88(5). https://doi.org/doi:10.1785/0220170082
UCVM Publications
The following documents provide overview of the UCVM software and it's use.
UCVM Query Paramater Table
Frequently Asked Questions
Earlier version of UCVM
Links to the previous release of UCVM is posted here. For C-language UCVM users, we recommend working with the current version V19.4.0